str_reverse <- function(x){ return(sapply(lapply(strsplit(x, NULL), rev), paste, collapse="")) } s <- "abc" s1 <- str_reverse(s) print(s1)
November 15, 2013
String Reverse in R
String reversing is a common operation especially in Bioinformatics. However, this function is not provided in R, not even in the "stringr" package. Here you can find the code:
November 4, 2013
Code Highlighing in Blogger
I got a relatively easy way to highlight code snippet from
Add the following code in the template just above the </head> tag.
Write code inside <pre> tag. For example,
The above html code gives the output as below
I tried to make it work for R highlighting, but unfortunately it is not working. So, I am using the brush for C inside the <pre> tag.
Add the following code in the template just above the </head> tag.
// Comment
Write code inside <pre> tag. For example,
// Comment public class Testing { public Testing() { } public void Method() { /* Another Comment on multiple lines */ int x = 9; } }
The above html code gives the output as below
// Comment public class Testing { public Testing() { } public void Method() { /* Another Comment on multiple lines */ int x = 9; } }
I tried to make it work for R highlighting, but unfortunately it is not working. So, I am using the brush for C inside the <pre> tag.
x <- c(1, 4, -4) m <- max(x) print(m)
ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) Curve in R
There are 2 packages to calculate different measures and draw different graphs of ROC cureve.
Using pROC:
- ROCR (
- pROC (
Code to generate ROC curve and AUC (Area under the curve) value
Using ROCR: # generate ROC curve
pred <- prediction(scores, labels)
perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
#calculate AUC value
aucPerf <- performance( pred, 'auc')
auc <- slot(aucPerf, "y.values")
Using pROC:
roc.obj <- roc(response=labels, predictor=scores)

Convert a dataframe to a vector in R
It is not possible to convert a dataframe directly to a vector. However, a dataframe can first be converted to a matrix and then to a vector.
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